Maker Faire Vientiane Registration


We are all makers! Maker Faires happening around the world showcase innovation and creativity in all kinds of fields, by makers of all ages. We welcome you to participate in the Faire and inspire attendees by sharing your skills, interests, projects and products with an appreciative audience. The Call for Makers application includes information for individuals and groups who want to exhibit or participate in one of our many events.

Show & Tell

There is no fee to apply for and present at the event.  Makers who attend are provided with exhibit space, one table, two chairs and standard power, if needed. Any additional costs or needs should be described and requested in your application. This information will be taken into account in reviewing your submission for approval.

For your reference, these are the brief definitions you will see in the Call for Makers application:

  • Commercial Maker: You are an individual who plans to sell or market your own work or services, along with demonstrations and information sharing in your booth
  • Higher Education Institution: colleges, universities and other post-secondary education program
  • Small Business: your organization has fewer than 10 employees and less than $1 million in gross revenue
  • Other Business: trade organization, union or other, or a corporate entity that does not qualify as a start-up or small business

If you have any questions about the application process, feel free to contact makers(at) Note that you can always start the application process and save it while in progress if you get stuck and need more info along the way

Call to Makers Application

Call to Makers 2024 – October 17th – 20th, 10 AM – 6 PM, Vientiane Center
Welcome to the Maker Faire Vientiane Call for Makers! There are two pages to this application. Your application is complete only after you click [SUBMIT] on the last page of this form. At any time, you can save your application with the [Save and Continue Later] link at the bottom of each page. During the application process, do not refresh your browser, or your information may be lost.

We will follow up with you in the next 2 weeks with any questions or comments regarding your application.

The deadline for submission is September 15, 2024

Complete the form below to register for the Maker Faire Vientiane – all information should be completed, especially the information about your project and exhibit.

Maker Faire Vientiane Registration

Some basic details about you – this information we will use to contact you.