Privacy Policy Maker Faire Vientiane 2024

This policy describes the purposes and criteria of the personal data processing of the subjects who complete and send the participation form to one of the following calls: 

The term “Call” is used within this policy to generally indicate one of the calls mentioned above.

This policy also regulates the processing of personal data carried out in the context of all the events or initiatives related to the Calls listed above and to the “Maker Faire Vientiane 2024” including the Exhibitor Portal.

Makerbox Lao will be able to nominate some subjects as external Data Processors for the realisation of the Maker Faire Vientiane 2024 project. The updated list of the Data Processors is kept at the headquarters of the Makerbox Lao.

The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at: makers(at)

1. Data subject to processing

The data that is processed by Makerbox Lao is:

  • Navigation data:  the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website, while the user is browsing and registering for one of the Calls indicated in the introduction, collects some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols (purely for simplification purposes, IP address or domain names of the computers through which users connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the system logs). This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the site’s usage as well as to check it functions correctly. This information is not collected to identify users but it is possible that, through the normal process of processing and cross-referencing with data held by third parties, user identification is made possible. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site: currently, except for this possibility, the related data is kept for no more than seven days.
  • Data provided voluntarily by users during the Call registration procedure by filling in the online registration and participation interest forms available on the “Maker Faire Vientiane 2024” website, the data voluntarily provided by the user will be collected, such as, by way of example, but not limited to, the name, surname, tax code, date and place of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address. The submission of the application for participation takes place upon creating a personal account .
  • Data relating to photos and videos: by filling in the registration form for the selected Call, the Participant is aware that during the event, photographs, images and audio-video recordings will be taken which can depict them.

    The provision of such data is necessary for registration and participation in the selected Call and all other events or initiatives related to the Calls and the “Maker Faire Vientiane 2024“, as well as to the Exhibitors Portal.

Sensitive user data will not be collected or processed.

2. Purposes of processing and legal basis

The data processing carried out by the Makerbox Lao is aimed at:

  1. user participation in the selected Call, event management and related activities,  dissemination of data and materials relating to the projects on the event website and other communication channels; to allow participation, at the request of the user, in any other initiative created and published on the Site itself, as well as participation in all the other events or initiatives related to the Calls and to the “Maker Faire Vientiane 2024” as well as to the Exhibitors Portal.
  2. the promotion of the event by publishing, photographs , images and audio-video recordings made during the event, including on the Organiser’s commercial partners’ websites and social pages. The processing in based on the agreement of the interested party;
  3. the fulfilment of obligations under applicable laws, regulations and community legislation, as well as provisions issued by authorities legitimated by law and by supervisory and control bodies. The treatment is based on a legal obligation.

The collected e-mail addresses may also be used in the future by the Makerbox Lao to inform interested parties about other, similar initiatives that always fall within the institutional purposes of Makerbox Lao.

The collected e-mail addresses may also be used in the future by the Data Controller to inform interested parties about other, similar initiatives that always fall within the institutional purposes of Makerbox Lao.

Furthermore, as part of carrying out events or initiatives related to the Calls and to the “Maker Faire Vientiane 2024” promoted by Partners and Sponsors, the data of the interested parties may be communicated to these subjects.

The Data Controller may, with the explicit consent of the user, communicate personal data to the American company, Make Community LLC (708 Gravenstein Hwy North Box #239– Sebastopol, CA 95472), grantor of the Maker Faire brand, for the purpose of sending an e-mail sent by the latter, containing informational material, communications, newsletters and commercial and/or editorial proposals. Consent to such communication is optional.

3. Purposes of data processing

The data will be processed in compliance with the necessary security and confidentiality through the following procedures: collection of data from the data subject, collected and recorded for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and used in further processing operations that are compatible with these purposes, processing put in place with the aid of electronic and automated tools (data collection via data transmission or directly from the authorised party).

To avoid data loss, illicit use or incorrect use of data and unauthorised access, specific security measures have been adopted.

4. Storage period

The personal data provided by filling out the participation form will be kept for the next five years from the end of the event. The personal account will remain active until the end of the event after which it will be canceled.

The data disseminated through publication on the site for promotional purposes of the event, as well as the photographs, images and audio-video recordings, will be kept without time limits.

The name, surname and e-mail address entered in the participation form will be kept and used only for the purpose of sending institutional communications by Makerbox Lao, until the interested parties’ cancellation request.

5. Rights of the data subject

The interested party may, at any time, lodge a complaint with the Guarantor, as a supervisory authority, if it believes that the processing of its personal data is in breach of current legislation provisions.

6. How to exercise rights

The data subject may exercise their rights at any time by sending:

  • a registered letter with return receipt to The Makerbox Lao Company, Nongbone Rd., Nongbone, Thad Luang, Vientiane, Lao PDR.


  • an e-mail to:   makers(at)